Reynella Rides offering the safest and most experienced high country horse rides:
For some the Snowy Mountains are a famous mountain range they’ve heard about in movies. For others, it’s a range they can see in the distance as they travel throughout Australia. For a special few, it is a dream destination in the high country offering horse rides through some of the most beautiful views the continent has to offer.
For Reynella Rides and the Rudd Family, we simply call it home. For over 51 years we have had a profound connection with the land, and offer adventurers from across the world, an opportunity to view landscapes that few have seen or traversed. From the moment you arrive at the homestead you are welcomed to an experience few have had, a working homestead filled with animals, good food, and opportunities to hone your skills before heading out on the trail.
Reynella Rides provides the safest rides by offering riders of any skill the appropriate, hand-picked horse which has been trained to handle to rigours of the mountains, as well as the proper gear for your journey. Because Reynella Rides has been taking these historic paths for 51 years, our staff are some of the most experienced in the business and ride with you because they want to share the beauty of the high country that can only be experienced on horse rides.
Reynella Rides are the most experienced, have a policy of safety first, but also a love of the land. Our family has been here since the 1940’s, it is part of us, and we want to share the beauty of the Snowy Mountains with you while giving you a taste of what life was like when we first arrived.