The History of Reynella Horse Riding Safaris


Commercial Horse Treks through Australia’s Snowy Mountains date back to the 1940s. At this time two enterprising young mountain men, Vincent Russell and Harold Mansfield, guided adventures through undoubtedly Australia’s most picturesque, inspiring and challenging country.

Among these pioneering adventurers was John Rudd, first introduced to the mountains by his uncle Vincent Russell on a guided trek from Kiandra to Mt. Kosciuszko.

History -John Rudd & Walsh

For John, this led to a lifetime affiliation with the high country and he has continued the tradition with his wife Roslyn, guiding adventurers through the Kosciuszko National Park on horseback.

In 2004 John received an OAM ( Order of Australia Medal ) in the Australia Day Awards for Eco-Tourism.

History -John Rudd & Walsh History - John Rudd 9 years old on a trek with his uncles.  History -Horses on Mt MorganHistory John Rudd as a kid on Safari